Home » Erotic Novels Are More Than 50 Shades of Grey

Erotic Novels Are More Than 50 Shades of Grey

I believe it’s worth starting this little story with a simple statement: not all erotic novels are for everyone. Reading Fifty Shades of Grey, the "cliché of erotic novels," is merely an introduction to an unimaginable world, clearly depending on each person’s taste.

Ask Me What You Want and I’ll Give It to You

In this case, more than one man needs to read and learn from this type of book, especially in Ask Me What You Want. The erotic moments aren’t far from everyday life, and not all women are “Anastasia Steele” — many of us have experienced a bit more than she has.

As I told you a long time ago, I carry you in my mind desperately. I love you, little one. Eric Zimmerman

This is how Eric Zimmerman completely captivates us, from the moment he focuses his attention on Judith, a woman like you or me; a warrior spirit (Spanish) and completely determined. She is one of those women who knows exactly what she wants.

But not every story is so perfect. Every warrior woman meets her gladiator, and in this case, she meets a German with all the poise and class that characterizes such men. The problem in this story is that this superman is her boss, and it is this professional barrier that entangles and fuels this workplace passion, without neglecting her boss’s unique and unimaginable tastes. Judith finds herself in the difficult situation of managing her passionate relationship and earthly pleasures with a dictatorial and sensual boss who has specific tastes and experiences, ready to show his world to this strong Spanish woman.

Ask me what you want, as long as you are also willing to give it.

I’m afraid I won’t go into details, because I’ve lived it and I want your partner to at least do some of what Megan Maxwell writes about, as these are fantasies you’ll take to the grave.

I want to record your face, your gestures… in my retina, to remember them the day I can’t see you.

Megan Maxwell