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The Knight in Rusty Armor

Sometimes winning isn’t about finishing first; sometimes winning is about being brave.

Brené Brown
The Knight in Rusty Armor is a book that narrates a personal journey of self-discovery through a path filled with castles and mountains, leading a Knight towards an encounter with himself. It speaks of the armor as that fortified place, full of fear, where we hide to feel safe, and emphasizes the importance of accepting vulnerability in order to access the courage that leads to truth. It is an invitation to understand that we all have the tools to free ourselves from that armor if we embark on that inward journey beyond rigid structures.

The Sower’s Prayer

The Sower’s Prayer emerges from reading this book. It is a plea born from the search amidst the confusion of being trapped in a place that seems safe under an armor but is filled with fear and darkness. It is represented by a sower, a person who takes action and knows how to be patient to reap the fruits of their seeds, without expecting something magical from outside to solve their internal storms. It also highlights the importance of understanding one’s own value for what each person essentially is, shedding the need to be someone for appearances, to be noticed by a mask, seeking recognition from outside, and instead, knowing ourselves well enough to love ourselves for who we are.

I Sow Deserts

I sow deserts so that goodness may bloom upon them.
I carry a bouquet of sorrows clinging to the comfort of hope.
I go through the world in the guise of bravery
armed with fears and anxieties
buried in storms of solitude
trapped in the hammering of silence.
I seek the truth
wandering through wooded paths
where trees of confusion and forgetfulness grow.