Home » This Woman Called Hannah

This Woman Called Hannah

She used to contemplate the horizon for hours, alone on that small but comfortable bench, waiting to see the beautiful and eternal sunset. Perhaps this woman named Hannah could say.

One day, she found herself there, sad and lonely, with a lost gaze, replaying in her mind over and over the countless times ungrateful and undeserving people had broken her fragile heart. But that didn’t matter; she kept waiting for some “prince charming,” a prince who only exists in the stories she was told as a child. She didn’t know, simply anyone, really — the “who” mattered little.

She just needed someone to come up to her, sit beside her, take her hand, and make her feel she wasn’t alone, someone to fill the empty space on the bench and contemplate with her that moment when the sun sets behind the thin but unreachable line that separates the ground from the sky.

In that moment, Hannah thought.

In that perfect instant where she feels free, she closes her eyes and opens her mind, an open mind, filled with blank and incomplete pages that seeks to find a way to finish those stories and write new ones, stories with memories, with tears of pain and joy, and her heart beats so fast it takes her breath away. The seconds pass slower and slower until there is no time, space, or reality, that precise trance where her soul and body can only think of love.

It wasn’t madness that invaded her, it was loneliness… this woman named Hannah was just waiting for someone to sit beside her and find the perfect way to say, I love you.